If you’re having problems, we suggest you check you have the latest updates for your operating system and the latest version browser installed.
If you’re still having problems, please contact us at online@cs.sussan.com.au and we’ll try to help you. To help us resolve your issue, please include as many of the following details as possible:
Your Operating System (e.g. Windows 7, Mac OS X.)
Internet Browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
The URL you were trying to access (e.g. http://www.sussan.com.au/FAQs)
When the problem occurred
Please copy and paste into the email any error message that appeared on the screen
We are unable to honour promotional pricing after the advertised period if you were unable to demonstrate that you were attempting to place an order during that time.
You can unsubscribe directly from our emails by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link at the bottom of the last promotional email you received.
If you have an online account you can also unsubscribe through your Account Dashboard by selecting 'Manage My Subscriptions'. Use the checkboxes to select whether or not you would like to be subscribed.
If you’re having trouble logging in with your email address or password, please check you’re using the same email address and password you used when you created your account.
If you can't remember your password, please click the ‘Forgotten password?’ link. An email will be sent to you with instructions on how to change your password.
Once you submit your payment, you will receive an email to confirm you order, if you do not receive this, be sure to check your junk or spam folder of your mailbox. If you are still unable to locate this, please contact us at online@cs.sussan.com.au.
If you are having trouble adding items to your bag we always recommend either clearing your browser history or trying a different device or web browser.
If you are unable to add an item to your basket, please contact us at online@cs.sussan.com.au at the time of your attempted purchase.
We are unable to honour promotional pricing after the advertised period if you were unable to demonstrate that you were attempting to place an order during that time.
Please double check that the card details you supplied (including the expiry date, card type and CCV number) are all correct. Otherwise you can enter the details of another card and try again.
If the problem persists you can contact your bank for details of why the payment was declined.